Cubic Zirconia Vs. Swarovski Crystal

Cubic zirconia and Swarovski crystals, what's the difference? You fell in love with a stunning ring but passed it up because the glittering gemstones you thought were diamonds really weren’t. Worse yet, the sparkling stones were not even the famed Swarovski crystals . You fell prey to some misconceptions about cubic zirconia and what makes the glitter we love in non-diamond gemstones. So, what’s the difference between cubic zirconia and Swarovski crystals? Both are sparkling and glittery but one is known as a diamond substitute, the other as a naturally crystalline gem. I have a surprise for you: Both are manmade. Both are produced in laboratories. And both are crystalline in the non-amorphous morphology of the substance we know as glass. That was a mouthful. Let me explain. Swarovski crystals are silicon dioxide with a little bit of lead just like your lead crystal stemware or cognac decanter. Cubic zirconia is zirconium dioxide with a li...